Monday, February 25, 2008

I see you!

So I see that I get visitors everyday, some days not as much as others.

De-lurk now!

Leave me a comment or something. I *love* me some comments. Really I do.
Anyways, I do see you, just look down there to the right.....yup that says you were here. Also, if you look at the very bottom of this blog, sitemeter will tell you what visitor number you are.

So, come on, leave me a note.....just alittle one?


Saturday, February 23, 2008

20 more to 100

Let's face it. I really suck at this blogging business....don't try to candy coat it, I'm a big girl. I lack in the areas that make a good blog, trust me.
Anyways, I've looked back and noticed that I have never finished my 100 things about me!
You can find the first installments Here, Here and Here, all ready for your enjoyment:o)

Here we go!

61. I'm growing out my hair..
again. I used to have very long hair, to the middle of my back. Then during a fit when i was pregnant with Missy, I cut it off myself. Then I did it again when I was pregnant with Buddha Man. But now, I will not be pregnant again, so maybe my hair has a chance.

62. I want pink highlights!
In my hair! because I *love* pink, and I think it would look neat:o) Weird, I know.

63. My middle name is Shalyn,
I have no idea where it came from, Dad, help me out?

64. Not a big fan of plain milk,
but I love chocolate milk, strawberry milk, and really any thing but plain milk. Unless I have a PB&J sandwich.

65. I don't answer the phone to numbers I don't know.
I screen my phone calls.

66. We don't have cable.
You don't even get the free channels here, you have to pay for it all, but we just have not got around to getting it. Soon though, very soon.

67. My fave grown up movie is "Fools Rush In"
I have a ton of fave movies, and my mom gets upset because I should only have one. But I don't, so muahaha!:o)

68. I wish I had glasses.
And i may have to get them soon. After having kids my eyes are getting bad.

69. I wish I was more crunchy.
But Citizendad would never allow it. He's afraid to be a little hippy.

70. I am obsessed with my pasta salad!
I could eat it everyday! Seriously.

71. Fave drink right now is Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash
OMG, soo yummy to me!

72. I'm alittle weepy over the fact that Buddha Man will be one soon.
He's my baby, my last baby, and he is just growing too fast.

73. I *love* buying new purses!
it drives Citizendad crazy, but I love all the different styles:o)

74. I *love* yoga pants.
and I wear them all the time when I'm home. So comfy, and soo cute.

75. I see no difference with HDTV.
Really I don't, don't see what the big deal is. And we have a HDTV and a HDDVD player too, just don't see it.

76. I get cleaning spurts
And the house is soo clean when I get them, because I have to clean everything. Rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, floors, all. of. it. now.

77. I like folding laundry...

78. but hate putting it away.

79. *LOVE* onion bagels.
love. them.

80. I hate being tickled.
hate it with a passion. But I love tickling Buddha Man, Missy and Citizendad, muahaha!

Gah, I cannot believe it has taken me so long to do this. And I'm not done! Oh well. Only 20 more:o)


Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have been working on a few post, but then I get halfway through them and think to myself “nobody wants to hear about this”
So, my friends, I’ll just give you a big helping of randomness, because it’s good for the soul:o)

-We took Missy to her first movie. But we got there late, and it was already showing, so she kind of freaked out because it was dark. But she did great, she likes the movie, and sat on our laps the whole time. But we ended up leaving before it ended because Citizendad was falling asleep and snoring……really.

-Buddha Man is teething like crazy….seems like he’s been teething sience he made the big exit. But now he’s getting his eye teeth and some molars… right? Mommy is seriously slacking in sleep…..

-Missy is now letting me do her hair(yay!) and she looks sooooooo cute in pigtails. Now if she would just stop running away every time I bring out the camera, I could get a picture of the cuteness for you.

-We are looking for another car!(another yay!) Right now we only have one(my jeep) and it’s costing us almost $400 in gas each month for Citizendad to commute. So we are getting him something smaller and more spending money friendly:o)

-I have gained 10lbs since Citizendad got the big snip-snip. Because we stopped running, for him to recover. But we are starting up again, and really I can’t wait. And I guess I should give up all the comfort food too, huh?

-There is a cupcake calling my name right now……
-We waited two hours to get into the Olive Garden on Valentines day…..We even got there early thinking we were smart….everyone else was thinking the same thing.

-Citizendad bought me some pink terry cloth yoga pants and they are oh-so-comfy….I could wear them all the time.

-The spell check for blogger is still not working for me….

-Missy now counts to five! And kind of says her abc’s with you. She just too cute. Oh and she even sings along with songs that I rock out too:o)

-I cannot believe that Buddha Man will be one in two months… baby is growing up too fast!

So there you have it. Some nice randomness for you.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The never ends...

I freakin hate doing laundry.
Seriously, it never ends.

Want to come over and do the laundry for me?:o)


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just like mama....

For awhile now Missy has been trying to get to my paints. She just so badly wants to paint like she sees mama doing. And she even puts a book up on my easel and pretends that she is painting the pictures in it. It’s really cute.
So, I gave in.

Got her own smock.

Got her own brush.

Got her some paint.

She went to town…..
She was just soo happy going to town on the papers that I set out for her…..
Then I turned my back to get a paper towel to start cleaning her up……
She even got it in her hair!
But at least she was happy…..and we got these out of it…..
I don’t know, thinking about putting them on the market, for, ummm….let’s say $125,000 to start with?
Any bidders?:o)

And then there is Buddha Man.
He loves him some cheerios.
And yes, he eats them off the floor(I know, bad mama, but if I put them in something, they just end up on the floor anyways).
Here, he’s eating them like any normal baby,
Then he dives on to them…
And comes up in a successful catch:o)

My kids rule.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Why is it???

Why is that a baby can be cute being all chunky with rolls and all, and you get people "ooo-ing" and "ahh-ing" all ove them....
then they look at the mother
who's sportin a muffintop....
and they say
"Don't worry dear, you just had a baby..." or
"Oh! Are you expecting again?"

No, but I'll go die now......

BTW, these pictures are not of me, or my kids....I wouldn't dress like that.....ever.....
