Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have been working on a few post, but then I get halfway through them and think to myself “nobody wants to hear about this”
So, my friends, I’ll just give you a big helping of randomness, because it’s good for the soul:o)

-We took Missy to her first movie. But we got there late, and it was already showing, so she kind of freaked out because it was dark. But she did great, she likes the movie, and sat on our laps the whole time. But we ended up leaving before it ended because Citizendad was falling asleep and snoring……really.

-Buddha Man is teething like crazy….seems like he’s been teething sience he made the big exit. But now he’s getting his eye teeth and some molars… right? Mommy is seriously slacking in sleep…..

-Missy is now letting me do her hair(yay!) and she looks sooooooo cute in pigtails. Now if she would just stop running away every time I bring out the camera, I could get a picture of the cuteness for you.

-We are looking for another car!(another yay!) Right now we only have one(my jeep) and it’s costing us almost $400 in gas each month for Citizendad to commute. So we are getting him something smaller and more spending money friendly:o)

-I have gained 10lbs since Citizendad got the big snip-snip. Because we stopped running, for him to recover. But we are starting up again, and really I can’t wait. And I guess I should give up all the comfort food too, huh?

-There is a cupcake calling my name right now……
-We waited two hours to get into the Olive Garden on Valentines day…..We even got there early thinking we were smart….everyone else was thinking the same thing.

-Citizendad bought me some pink terry cloth yoga pants and they are oh-so-comfy….I could wear them all the time.

-The spell check for blogger is still not working for me….

-Missy now counts to five! And kind of says her abc’s with you. She just too cute. Oh and she even sings along with songs that I rock out too:o)

-I cannot believe that Buddha Man will be one in two months… baby is growing up too fast!

So there you have it. Some nice randomness for you.



Biddy said...

forget running! take great advantage of the snip and get your exercise in bed!

Mommyca said...

haha! Biddy, that made me laugh!

Heather said...

My daughter is going through a, "dont touch my hair" phase also. Your not alone.

J said...

Hey where are you?

Come blog!

Anonymous said...

I like biddy's comment :)