Saturday, March 1, 2008



Just look at me, asking all of the lurkers to come out(thank you by the way) and here I am hiding!


Well, alot has been going on. Well, alot of potty training has been going on. And even more cleaning has been going on. That pretty much has been my life lately.

(Any tips on potty training a hard headed toddler?)

And it's not just cleaning up the accidents that come with potty training.....Missy has discoverd that if she stands on her tippy toes she can reach just about anything on the counter, AHHHH! That used to be our safe spot. When I get around to it, I'll have to add pictures.....because what kind of awesome mom wouldn't I be if I didn't take pictures before I cleaned it and the kids up? Yeah, I know.



Lindsey said...

We used stickers with Gabriel. Every time he used the potty he got a sticker. 1 for #1 and 2 for #2 :)
It worked really well, in about a week or so he way daytime trained. He still wears a pull up at night but he is getting better at that too, now he's making through nap time YAY! Good Luck!

Mommyca said...

thanks lindsey, I'll have to try that!

Anonymous said...

Well Grandma says Madison isn't hard headed, hers is just brilliant. Other than her own basket of stuff she can only play with or read while on the potty, what worked with Shar too was letting her pick out her own big girl ruffle panties and Little Mermaid panties that she got to wear after she got up, went in the potty and no accidents. That really made Shar feel like a "big girl" Maybe let her decorate her potty too with stickers, if she goes in it. You know anything that completely focuses on what she is doing and that it is a really BIG deal. Love you honey! Mom

Anonymous said...

I have no tips. I haven't started potty training yet and between you and I? I'm very scared.


Biddy said...

bribe her with M&M's and pretty panties...

works EVERY time