Friday, January 25, 2008

Sooo, tonight...

or ummm, last's 1:37am right now, cannot believe I'm up this freakin' late.....
Well, anyways, Citizendad and I went out....
It was nice, it's been awhile and much needed, mostly for me, was about to lose my head...
But we went to see his friend play...he has a little band and all, played at a nice little place called Cozmic Pizza , let me tell you he was great!
His name is Tyler Fortier , and he, is very talented! I liked his older songs, but I'm totally in love with his new songs, which he promises Citizendad that when he gets them on CD, we will get a copy. Super excited about that.
I'm hoping that maybe someday he'll see my art and want me to do an album cover or something like awesome would that be?

Soo, it's late, I'm sleepy, and for some weird reason my hands are freezing, I'm going to bed. Oh yeah, and I got tagged, so I will have to do that tomorrow. So check Tyler out, and enjoy!


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