Saturday, January 26, 2008

My body hurts:o(

Can I while a little? Please?
I started doing yoga, again....
I forgot that it uses muscles that normally I don't use.
And I hurt. Well, not hurt, more like just sore.
And I really notice that I'm sore when I have to chase Missy through the mall. I really with those play areas would have some sort of gate so that the toddlers cannot escape. Sure she thought it was fun, but mommy, not thinking about it, wore her boots tonight.....not a really easy thing to run in.
I'm sure I'll be really sore when we go running in the morning, but I'll make Citizendad push the double jogging stroller.....muahaha, I know, I'm evil.

Also, three things...

1.) I will be putting up my blog roll, soooo be on the look out for that.
2.) I've been painting! But I have yet to take pictures of them to post them in my art blog. Again, be on the look out:o) and tell me what you think of them!
3.) I know I said I would do my meme that I got tagged for today, but sadly, I didn't get around to it, but I will.

Ciao. I'm tired.

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